# Internews HID

A Humanitarian Dashboard.

## API Documentation

### Items

Base URL '/items/'

#### Create Items

'/items/' POST

        "body": "blah",
        "timestamp": "..."

- create an item. Should return the object, including its unique ID  and the
  system allocated  creation time.

#### Create item with tags and categories

        "body": "blah",
        "timestamp": "...",
        "metadata": [
            { "slug": "<taxonomy-slug>",  // slug OR: name
              "name": "<taxonomy name>"
              "tems": [
                "<tem-name>", // multiple values for tags
            { "slug": "<taxonomy-slug>",  // slug OR: name
              "name": "<taxonomy name>"
              "tems": ["<tem-name>"] // single for category

We need either the `slug` or the `name` (from which the slug can be derived),
and a list of relevant terms. If the name and slug don't match, obviously there
should be an exception.

#### List items

'/items/' GET

- returns a list of Items

    [ { "id": nn,
        "body": "...",
        "created": ...
        "timestamp": ...
        { ... },

- When we do categories it should return those the same way as post above,

    [ {
        "id": nn,
        "body": "...",
        "created": ...
        "timestamp": ...
        "metadata": [
            {"name": ... },
        { ... },

#### Filter items by taxonomy

'/items?terms=&lt;taxonomy-slug&gt;:&lt;term-name&gt;' GET

- returns a list of Items tagged (or categorized) with the term &lt;term-name&gt; from the taxonomy &lt;taxonomy-slug&gt;

'terms' can be specified multiple times, to return items that are associated with *all* specified terms. eg:


- returns a list of Items tagged (or categorized) with terms term1 of taxo1 *and* term2 of taxo2 *and* term3 of taxo2.

## Categories and Tags (Taxonomies)

They need their own list and details urls, and we should include them in
the expanded `Item` JSON somehow too.

### List all Taxonomies

'/taxonomies/' GET

- Return list of taxonomies

      { "name": "Ebola Question Type",
        "slug": "ebola-question-type",
        "long_name": "Question Type",
        "cardinality": "optional",
        "vocabulary": "closed",
        "terms": [
            {"name": "Is Ebola Real",
             "long name": ...
      { "name": "Reliability",

  Here `long name` is shorter than the `name` because I'm thinking that
  long name is the one that gets used as a column heading, whereas `name`
  is the unique name for making the unique slug.

NOTE: It is the slug not the name that has has to be unique. What do we do
when someone tries to create "Ebola Questions" and "ebola-questions" as
taxonomies? Do they map onto the same slug? How do we handle that since
the unique field is derived from the given one?

### Add a new Taxonomy

'/taxonomies/' POST

      { "name": "Ebola Question Type",
        "slug": "ebola-question-type", // do we supply this or is it calculated?
        "long_name": "Question Type",
        "cardinality": "optional",
        "vocabulary": "closed",
        "terms": [
            {"name": "Is Ebola Real",
             "long name": ...

Adds a taxonomy (optionally including terms). The slug is calculated it should
be returned by the call.

### Taxonomy details

'/taxonomies/<taxonomy-slug>/' GET

      { "name": "Ebola Question Type",
        "slug": "ebola-question-type", // calculated from name
        "long_name": "Question Type",
        "cardinality": "optional",
        "vocabulary": "closed",
        "terms": [
            {"name": "Is Ebola Real",
             "long name": ...

e.g. `/taxonomies/ebola-questions/`

- Taxonomy details URL should use the taxonomy's sluggified name

### Update Taxonomy Details

`/taxonomies/ebola-questions/`  POST

        "long_name": "Question Type",
        "cardinality": "optional",
        "vocabulary": "closed",

- Use the slug as unique id (i.e. don't deal with the internal numeric id)

### List terms per taxonomy

`/taxonomies/<taxonomy-slug>/terms/ GET

- returns list of terms

### Add a term to a taxonomy

We could do
`/taxonomies/ebola-questions/terms/`  POST { 'name': 'vaccine' }

But for the moment we;re doing

`/terms/` POST { 'name': 'vaccine', 'taxonomy': 'ebola-questions' }

### Get count of items per term for a taxonomy


Returns a list of terms:
    [ { "name": "Vaccine",
        "long_name": "Vaccine Trial",
        "count": 2
        "name": "Measures",
        "long_name": "What measures could end Ebola?",
        "count": 1
        "name": "Symptoms",
        "long_name": "Symptoms/Medical",
        "count": 0

### List all Terms (all taxonomies)

'/terms/' GET

Get list of all terms (from all taxonomies).
Could add query params to limit to a certain Taxonomy

'/terms/?taxonomy=ebola-questions' GET

Or item

'/terms/?item=416' GET

Or both

'/terms/?taxonomy=ebola-questions&item=416' GET

Returns a list of terms:

    [ { "name": "Ebola Real?",
        "long_name": "Is Ebola Real?",
        "taxonomy": "ebola-questions",
      { "name": "Timescale",
        "long_name": "When will Liberia be free of Ebola?"
        "taxonomy": "ebola-questions",

## Taxonomies as Item metadata:

These categories and tags will be used to store all the variable metadata
for the `Item`s. So when we get items, we want to also get their metadata.
And also to allow Item POST requests to add metadata terms.

### To create items with metadata

See above Create Items with tags and categories

### List terms for an item

/item/<item-id>/<taxonomy-id>/ GET


    '/items/2314/taxonomies/ebola-questions/' GET

- Return list of ebola questions for item 2314


    '/items/2314/taxonomies/terms/' GET

- list all terms for 2314.

- Add qyery parameters to select for a given taxonomy

    '/items/2314/taxonomies/terms/?taxonomy=ebola-questions' GET

- To delete a single term

    '/items/2314/taxonomies/terms/<term-slug>/'  DELETE

- Where term slug is the unique slug for the term.

In which case you can add a term to an object like this

    '/items/2314/ebola-questions/' POST { 'name': 'Duration' }

And you can remove one like this

    '/items/2314/ebola-questions/duration' DELETE

## Dependencies

To run all the tests, you need [phantomjs](http://phantomjs.org/) installed.

With node/npm

    npm install -g phantomjs

Or, on ubuntu

    apt-get install phantomjs