from datetime import datetime from django.contrib import messages from django.urls import reverse from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.generic.edit import FormView import transport from ..forms.item import AddEditItemForm from ..constants import ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY, DEFAULT_ITEM_TYPE class ItemTypeNotFound(Exception): """ Exception raised internally when an item type is not found """ pass class ItemNotFound(Exception): """ Exception raised internally when an item is not found """ pass class AddEditItemView(FormView): template_name = "hid/add_edit_item.html" form_class = AddEditItemForm tag_fields = ('tags',) tag_delimiter = ',' def _initialize_item(self, item_id, item_type): """ Initialize the view's item from the given item id or item_type This has a side effect of initializing: self.item_type to the item type (either from the given type of from the given item). If the given item has no item type, DEFAULT_ITEM_TYPE is assumed self.item to the item object (or None) self.item_terms to a dictionary of taxonomy to list of terms (or {}) Args: item_id (int): Item id to initialize from item_type (str): Item type to initialize item_type from. This is used only if item_id is None. Raises: ItemNotFound: If the item was not found ItemTypeNotFound: If the item type was not found """ self.item = None self.item_type = None self.item_terms = {} if item_id: try: self.item = transport.items.get(item_id) except transport.exceptions.TransportException: raise ItemNotFound() self.item_terms = {} for term in self.item['terms']: taxonomy = term['taxonomy'] if taxonomy == 'item-types': self.item_type = term if taxonomy not in self.item_terms: self.item_terms[taxonomy] = [] self.item_terms[taxonomy].append(term) elif item_type: matches = transport.terms.list( taxonomy='item-types', name=item_type ) if len(matches) == 0: raise ItemTypeNotFound() else: self.item_type = matches[0] # We guarantee there is always an item type if self.item_type is None: self.item_type = DEFAULT_ITEM_TYPE def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ get request handler If the URL defines an item_id, we load the corresponding item to make it available for forms. """ try: self._initialize_item( kwargs.get('item_id'), kwargs.get('item_type') ) except ItemNotFound: return self._response( self.request.GET.get('next', '/'), messages.ERROR, (_('Item with id %s could not be found') % str(kwargs.get('item_id'))) ) except ItemTypeNotFound: return self._response( self.request.GET.get('next', '/'), messages.ERROR, (_('Item type %s could not be found') % str(kwargs.get('item_type'))) ) return super(AddEditItemView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ post request handler If the URL defines an item_id, we load the corresponding item to make it available for forms. We handle cancel and delete here, as the form doesn't need to be valid for those. """ try: self._initialize_item( kwargs.get('item_id'), kwargs.get('item_type') ) except ItemNotFound: return self._response( self.request.GET.get('next', '/'), messages.ERROR, (_('Item with id %s could not be found') % str(kwargs.get('item_id'))) ) except ItemTypeNotFound: return self._response( self.request.GET.get('next', '/'), messages.ERROR, (_('Item type %s could not be found') % str(kwargs.get('item_type'))) ) if 'cancel' in self.request.POST['action']: return self._response( self.request.POST['next'], messages.INFO, _('No action performed') ) if 'delete' in self.request.POST['action']: return self._delete_item() return super(AddEditItemView, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_initial(self): """ Return the form object's initial values for the current item """ if self.item is None: initial = { 'id': 0, 'timestamp':, 'next': self.request.GET.get('next', self.request.path) } else: initial = { 'id': self.item['id'], 'body': self.item['body'], 'timestamp': self.item['timestamp'], 'next': self.request.GET.get( 'next', self.request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', reverse('dashboard'))), } taxonomy = ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY.get(self.item_type['name']) if (taxonomy and taxonomy in self.item_terms and len(self.item_terms[taxonomy]) > 0): initial['category'] = self.item_terms[taxonomy][0]['name'] for taxonomy, terms in self.item_terms.iteritems(): if taxonomy in self.tag_fields: term_names = [t['name'] for t in terms] initial[taxonomy] = self.tag_delimiter.join(term_names) return initial def get_form(self, form_class): """ Return the form object to be used """ return form_class(self.item_type['name'], **self.get_form_kwargs()) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Get the form's context data We invoke FormView's get_context_data and add the current item. """ context = super(AddEditItemView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # Add item and form mode to the context context['item'] = self.item context['update'] = self.item is not None # Add the type label to the context context['item_type_label'] = self.item_type['long_name'] # Add the width of the option row to the context option_row_widget_count = 1 # We always have 'created' if 'category' in kwargs['form'].fields: option_row_widget_count += 1 if 'region' in kwargs['form'].fields: option_row_widget_count += 1 context['option_row_width'] = 12 / option_row_widget_count return context def form_valid(self, form): """ Form submit handler """ item_description = self._get_item_description() taxonomy = ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY.get(self.item_type['name']) item_id = int(form.cleaned_data['id']) try: if item_id == 0: self.item = self._create_item(form, taxonomy) message = _("%s %d successfully created.") % ( item_description, self.item['id'] ) message_code = messages.SUCCESS else: self._update_item( item_id, form, taxonomy ) message = _("%s %d successfully updated.") % ( item_description, item_id, ) message_code = messages.SUCCESS except transport.exceptions.TransportException as e: message = e.message.get('detail') if message is None: message = e.message message_code = messages.ERROR return self._response( form.cleaned_data['next'], message_code, message) def _separate_form_data(self, form): data = dict(form.cleaned_data) category = data.pop('category', None) data.pop('id', None) tags = {} regular_fields = {} for (field_name, field_value) in data.iteritems(): if field_name in self.tag_fields: tags[field_name] = field_value else: regular_fields[field_name] = field_value return category, tags, regular_fields def _add_tags(self, item_id, tags): for (taxonomy, value) in tags.iteritems(): transport.items.delete_all_terms(item_id, taxonomy) term_names = [t.strip() for t in value.split(self.tag_delimiter)] transport.items.add_terms(item_id, taxonomy, term_names) def _update_item(self, item_id, form, taxonomy): """ Update the given item Args: item_id (int): Item id to update form (Form): Valid form object containing fields taxonomy (str or None): Taxonomy of the item's category field, if any Raises: TransportException: On API errors """ category, tags, regular_fields = self._separate_form_data( form) transport.items.update(item_id, regular_fields) # TODO: Combine terms into single transaction if taxonomy: if category: transport.items.add_terms(item_id, taxonomy, category) else: transport.items.delete_all_terms(item_id, taxonomy) self._add_tags(item_id, tags) def _create_item(self, form, taxonomy): """ Create the given item Args: item_id (int): Item id to update form (Form): Valid form object containing fields taxonomy (str or None): Taxonomy of the item's category field, if any Returns: dict: The created item Raises: TransportException: On API errors """ category, tags, regular_fields = self._separate_form_data( form) created_item = transport.items.create(regular_fields) # TODO: Combine terms into single transaction # TODO: Don't set this here - handle more generically as hidden form # parameter transport.items.add_terms( created_item['id'], 'data-origins', 'Form Entry', ) transport.items.add_terms( created_item['id'], 'item-types', self.item_type['name'] ) if taxonomy and category: transport.items.add_terms(created_item['id'], taxonomy, category) self._add_tags(created_item['id'], tags) return created_item def form_invalid(self, form): """ Form invalid handler """ messages.add_message( self.request, messages.ERROR, _("The form could not be submitted." "Please correct the errors and submit it again.") ) return super(AddEditItemView, self).form_invalid(form) def _response(self, url, message_type, message): """ Log a message and return an HTTP Response Args: url (str): URL to redirect to message_type (str): Message type to log (from message.INFO, etc.) message (str): Message to log Returns: HttpResponseRedirect: Response object """ messages.add_message(self.request, message_type, message) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) def _delete_item(self): id = self.item['id'] transport.items.delete(id) item_description = self._get_item_description() return self._response( self._get_next_url_for_delete(), messages.SUCCESS, _("%s %d successfully deleted.") % ( item_description, id, ) ) def _get_next_url_for_delete(self): next_url = self.request.POST.get('next', reverse('dashboard')) return next_url def _get_item_description(self): return self.item_type['long_name']