# Webarchitects systemd Ansible role [](https://git.coop/webarch/systemd/-/commits/main) `systemd` is a [System and Service Manager](https://systemd.io/) that _"runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system"_. This repo contains an Ansible role for configuring [systemd on Debian](https://manpages.debian.org/systemd/systemd.1.en.html), this role has been designed to be as generic as possible in order to enable to it be used to configure any systemd service. On Debian Buster [backports](https://backports.debian.org/Instructions/) is required to get the [latest version of systemd](https://packages.debian.org/buster-backports/systemd), the [Webarchitects apt Ansible role](https://git.coop/webarch/apt) can be used to enable backports. ## Role variables See the [defaults/main.yml](defaults/main.yml) file for the default variables and [meta/argument_specs.yml](meta/argument_specs.yml) for the variable specification. ### systemd Set the `systemd` variable to `false` to prevent any tasks in this role being run. The `systemd` variable defaults to `true`. ### systemd_delete_broken_symlinks The `systemd_delete_broken_symlinks` variable is a boolean, when `true` is results in this role deleting broken symlinks found in the `/etc/systemd` directory, it defaults to `false`. ### systemd_delete_devnull_symlinks The `systemd_delete_devnull_symlinks` variable is a boolean, when `true` is results in this role deleting symlinks that point to `/dev/null` in the `/etc/systemd` directory, it defaults to `false`. ### systemd_timesyncd_reboot The `systemd_timesyncd_reboot` variable is a boolean, when `true` servers which have incorrect clocks will be rebooted by this role in an attempt to correct their clocks, it defaults to `false`. This variable is only used if there is a item in the `systemd_units` list with the `name` `systemd-timesyncd`. ### systemd_tz The `systemd_tz` variable is a string for the time zone to be used when configuring `systemd-timesyncd`, (the hardware clock is set to UTC), it defaults to `Etc/UTC`, which is fine for a server however for a desktop or laptop you will want to use a value like `Europe/London`. This variable is only used if there is a item in the `systemd_units` list with the `name` `systemd-timesyncd`. ### systemd_units The `systemd_units` array is a list of systemd units to configure, for example: ```yaml systemd_units: - name: systemd-timesyncd files: - path: /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf comment: | Entries in this file show the compile time defaults. You can change settings by editing this file. Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file. See timesyncd.conf(5) for details. conf: Time: NTP: 0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org 3.pool.ntp.org 2.pool.ntp.org state: present pkgs: - systemd-timesyncd state: enabled verify: systemd-timesyncd.service - name: systemd-networkd files: - path: /etc/systemd/network/eth0.network state: templated comment: Additional IP address added to the eth0 interface. conf: Match: Name: eth0 Type: ether Network: Address: - - Gateway: verify: networking.service ``` The `systemd_units` list variables follow: #### name The `name` for the `systemd_units` list item is the `name` of the systemd unit to configure. It is used as the `name` for the [Ansible systemd module](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/systemd_module.html): > This parameter takes the name of exactly one unit to work with. > > When no extension is given, it is implied to a `.service` as systemd. > > When using in a chroot environment you always need to specify the name of the unit with the extension. For example, `crond.service`. You can generate a YAML list of all the unit names: ```bash systemctl list-unit-files | jc --systemctl-luf | jp [].unit_file | yq -P ``` See also the [systemd unit configuration documentation](https://manpages.debian.org/systemd/systemd.unit.5.en.html). #### files The `files` variable for the `systemd_units` list item is an array of files to be configured for the unit, items in the `files` list can use the following variables: ##### path The `path` for the item in the `files` list is used for the full filesystem path to the file to configure, this variables is required. ##### comment The `comment` for the item in the `files` list can be used for adding commented text to the top of the file. ##### conf The `conf` dictionary for the item in the `files` list defines the systemd file contents in the form of a YAML dictionary. The depth of the dictionary defines the type of file that will be configured, fir example to enerate a systemd environment file (`conf` depth zero): ```yaml conf: Time: ``` The dictionary is converted into a file containing an empty section: ```ini [Time] ``` To generate a systemd environment file (`conf` depth one): ```yaml conf: FOO: bar ``` The dictionary is converted into a environmental variables file: ```ini FOO=bar ``` See the [systemd environment configuration documentation](https://manpages.debian.org/systemd/systemd.exec.5.en.html). To generate generate a systemd unit file without any duplicated entries (`conf` depth two): ```yaml conf: Unit: Description: Docker Compose container starter ``` The dictionary is converted into a file: ```ini [Unit] Description=Docker Compose container starter ``` When duplicate entries are allowed a YAML list is used (`conf` depth three): ```yaml conf: Network: Address: - - ``` The list items are are converted into duplicated keys: ```ini [Network] Address= Address= ``` Note that the documentation for the [general syntax of systemd configuration files](https://manpages.debian.org/systemd/systemd.syntax.7.en.html) includes: > Boolean arguments used in configuration files can be written in various formats. For positive settings the strings `1`, `yes`, `true` and `on` are equivalent. For negative settings, the strings `0`, `no`, `false` and `off` are equivalent. If you want a value that is used as a boolean in a systemd unit file to be treated as a string you need to quote it, for example `"yes"`, if you don't quote it then Ansible will consider numbers to be integers in the case of `1` or `0` and unquoted `true` and `false` will be booleans, the unit template, [templates/unit.j2](templates/unit.j2) is set to lower case booleans to avoid them becoming `True` and `False`. Also note that duplicated sections are allowed by systemd however this role doesn't support duplicated sections in the same file. When files are updated or deleted backups are created based on the existing file name but prefixed with a leading `.` and suffixed with a timestamp in ISO8601 format and the file extension `.bak`. ##### state The `state` of the item in the `files` list can optionally be set to one of four states when the `systemd_units` item is `enabled` or `stopped`, if the `systemd_units` item is set to `absent` all the items in the `files` list will be deleted, if the `state` of the item in the `files` list is not set then it defaults to `present`, the the four states are: * `absent` - the file will be deleted. * `edited` - if the file exists it will be edited using the [Ansible ini module](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/ini_file_module.html), as long as there are no duplicates, if there are duplicates or the file doesn't exist it cannot be edited. The `edited` option cannot remove variables however unlike the `templated` option, it preserves existing comments. * `present` - if the file exists it will be edited using the [Ansible ini module](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/ini_file_module.html), as long as there are no duplicates, if there are duplicates or it doesn't exist it will be created using the [templates/unit.j2](templates/unit.j2) template, `present` is the default state. * `templated` - the file will be created if it does not exist or updated if it already exists using the [templates/unit.j2](templates/unit.j2) template. Don't confuse the `state` of the items in the `files` list with the `state` of the `systemd_unit`. #### pkgs The optional `pkgs` list of `.deb` packages for the `systemd_units` list item will be installed when the `state` is present and removed when `absent`. #### state The `systemd_units` list item `state` can be optionally set to one of three states, if it is not set it defaults to `enabled`: * `absent`, will result in the systemd unit being uninstalled, this means that the service will be stopped, `.deb` packages listed in the `pkgs` list will be removed and any files listed in the `files` array will be deleted. * `enabled`, will result in the systemd unit being being installed, `enabled` and `started`. If any unit files are changed when the role is run the systemd unit will be `restarted`. * `stopped`, will result in the systemd unit being installed, but it will be `stopped` and not `enabled`. #### verify A optional systemd service name to be passed to `systemd-analyze verify`, the file extension is required. A list of services that can be verified can be generated using: ```bash systemctl list-unit-files | jc --systemctl-luf -py ``` If `verify` is not defined and there is an existing service that has a name that matches the `name`, or the `name` with `.service` appended then tis service will be verified. ## Usage example This role can be included in another role along these lines (this has been based on [this gist](https://gist.github.com/Luzifer/7c54c8b0b61da450d10258f0abd3c917)): ```yaml - name: Include systemd role ansible.builtin.include_role: name: systemd tasks_from: unit_present.yml vars: systemd_unit: name: docker-compose state: enabled files: - path: /etc/systemd/docker-compose.conf conf: DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION: native - path: /etc/systemd/service/docker-compose.service conf: Unit: Description: Docker Compose container starter After: docker.service network-online.target Requires: docker.service network-online.target Service: User: mailcow Group: mailcow EnvironmentFile: /etc/systemd/docker-compose.conf WorkingDirectory: /opt/mailcow-dockerized Type: oneshot RemainAfterExit: "yes" ExecStart: docker compose up -d ExecStop: docker compose down Install: WantedBy: multi-user.target ``` ## Notes You can read existing systemd files as YAML on the command line using [jc](https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc), for example: ```bash cat /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf | jc --ini -py ``` ```yaml --- Time: NTP: 0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org 3.pool.ntp.org 2.pool.ntp.org ``` Note that the [jc --ini parser](https://kellyjonbrazil.github.io/jc/docs/parsers/ini) doesn't support duplicate keys, however the `--ini-dup` parset that is due to be released in version `1.22.5` does, however it returms all values as a list, for example: ```bash cat /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf | jc --ini-dup -py ``` ```yaml --- Time: NTP: - 0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org 2.pool.ntp.org 3.pool.ntp.org ``` ## Dependencies This role requires Ansible `2.13` or newer, [JC](https://pypi.org/project/jc/) and [JMESPath](https://pypi.org/project/jmespath/) to be installed using `pip3` on the Ansible controller. ## Repository The primary URL of this repo is [`https://git.coop/webarch/systemd`](https://git.coop/webarch/systemd) however it is also [mirrored to GitHub](https://github.com/webarch-coop/ansible-role-systemd) and [available via Ansible Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/chriscroome/systemd). If you use this role please use a tagged release, see [the release notes](https://git.coop/webarch/systemd/-/releases). ## Copyright Copyright 2019-2023 Chris Croome, <[chris@webarchitects.co.uk](mailto:chris@webarchitects.co.uk)>. This role is released under [the same terms as Ansible itself](https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/COPYING), the [GNU GPLv3](LICENSE).