Incorporate the ColloCall Greenlight changes
The changes ColloCall have made to Greenlight allow the duration of meeting and the max number of users per room to be set per Greenlight container using Docker env vars, we should incproprate these changes into our Greenlight fork.
IRC logs:
16:13 < hng[m]> <chrisc "hng: I'd be interetsed in the URL">
16:14 < hng[m]> You then set BIGBLUEBUTTON_MAX_PARTICIPANTS=25 for a limitation of 24
participants (BBB bug....)
16:17 < hng[m]> yes this branch also includes the code that adds the maxParticipants
setting to every create room api call
16:17 < hng[m]> this is the commit with the relevant code changes, if you interested to