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Various bits that came up while using this

Alice Heaton requested to merge documentation_update into master

Maybe worth noting/discussing:

  • I've set ansible_python_interpreter="{{ ansible_playbook_python }}" in the inventory for the localhost machine. I've since realised that's not what we want when using linode-python, because that needs Python2.7 so it needs to point to a different virtual env. I think it's still good to leave this in because it shows there is something that can/should be filled in. Took me a very long time to find it the first time round.

  • The .env.example was setting PASSWORD_STORE_DIR, while the bin/open-vault script was expecting APTIVATE_CLI_PASS_DIR. I thought it wasn't good to overwrite PASSWORD_STORE_DIR (maybe people won't always run this with Pipenv run and import the .env differently), and to remove the Aptivate reference I used ANSIBLE_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR instead.

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