{# j2lint: disable=jinja-variable-format #}
# {{ ansible_managed }}
{% if is defined %}
# Valkey configuration for {{ }}
{# Config loop, turn the dictionary into a key, value list #}
{% for valkey_var_pair in valkey_instance.config | ansible.builtin.dict2items %}
{# Description from the argument specification #}
{% if valkey_argument_spec_options[valkey_var_pair.key].description is defined %}
{{ valkey_argument_spec_options[valkey_var_pair.key].description | wordwrap(78) | ansible.builtin.comment(prefix_count=0,postfix_count=0) }}
{% else %}
# The {{ valkey_var_pair.key }} variable appears to be missing from the meta/argument_specs.yml
# if it was present the variable description would be printed here.
{% endif %}
{# If the value is a list repeat the key for each list item #}
{% if valkey_var_pair.value | ansible.builtin.type_debug == "list" %}
{% for valkey_var_pair_value in valkey_var_pair.value %}
{# If the value is a boolean use yes or no as values #}
{% if valkey_var_pair.value | ansible.builtin.type_debug == "bool" %}
{% if valkey_var_pair.value | bool %}
{# replace underscores with dashes in the key name #}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} yes
{% else %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} no
{% endif %}
{# If the value is not a interger and is an empty string print a pair of double quotes #}
{% elif valkey_var_pair.value | ansible.builtin.type_debug != "int" and valkey_var_pair.value | length == 0 %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} ""
{% else %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} {{ valkey_var_pair_value }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{# If the value is a boolean use yes or no as values #}
{% if valkey_var_pair.value | ansible.builtin.type_debug == "bool" %}
{% if valkey_var_pair.value | bool %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} yes
{% else %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} no
{% endif %}
{# If the value in an empty string print a pair of double quotes #}
{% elif valkey_var_pair.value | ansible.builtin.type_debug != "int" and valkey_var_pair.value | length == 0 %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} ""
{% else %}
{{ valkey_var_pair.key | ansible.builtin.regex_replace('_', '-') }} {{ valkey_var_pair.value }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}