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Content for https://wiki.social.coop - General, publicly-accessible information about social.coop and the social.coop GitLab group.
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A simple web form running at join.social.coop that adds a GitLab issue when someone wants to join social.coop.
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meet / containers
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDocker containers for the Online Meeting Co-operative
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decentral1se / containers
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDocker containers for the Online Meeting Co-operative
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Support tickets for the Co-operative Assistance Network.
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webarch / vim
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterAn Ansible role to install and configure Vim on Debian and Ubuntu
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aptivate / templates / role
MIT LicenseA role template for doing one thing and doing it well. We include some pre-baked Aptivate specific metadata, CI setup and badges and some place holder text for how to write useful documentation for the rest of the team.