The Community Working Group ops team consists of up to 5 operational members and 3 volunteer "at large" members. The current team is elected to a one year term.
Operational Members: Operational members rotate in an on-call moderator role for the Mastodon instance, and attend monthly meeting. The coordinator is responsible for scheduling, tracking tasks, and coordinating with other working groups.
Compensation is currently GBP7.20/month + GBP21.60/week on-call shift + GBP14.40/month for coordinators.
Current Members
- Emi Do (Communications Coordinator)
- Matt Noyes (Team Coordinator)
- Mica Fisher
- Sam Whited
- Eduardo
At-Large Members: At large members are elected volunteers who are invited to the monthly meetings and have voting seats in the Ops Team Loomio group, but do not take on-call shifts or other responsibilities.
Current Members: None
Team Charter Full Text
The process for selecting new team members will follow the following steps:
- A Check Poll will be launched in the Social.Coop Loomio Group to collect expressions of interest from potential new team members.
- Prospective team members will be asked to submit a short written statement to the existing Operations Team, which will review them and vote via ranked choice.
- The Operations Team will confirm the interest of the chosen candidates, and then submit a proposal to the Membership to ratify their appointment to the Operations Team.
- We will also put an open call in the full membership group for folks interested in sitting in one of the two “at large” seats, and elect those seats via a vote from the full membership via approval voting.
Community Ops Team Members [5 roles]
- Attend a monthly ops team call
- Perform work delegated at ops team meeting.
- Participate in decision-making and problem-solving between calls on the Ops Team Loomio group.
- Participate in "On-Call" rotation: [1 week shifts]
- Check and process new membership applications for the Mastodon instance, Meet.Coop, and Loomio daily.
- Receive and respond to reports from members and off-instance folks.[variable]
- Toot announcements and welcomes from the official account, and respond to inquiries.
- Pass-on documentation for next On-Call Staff.
- Organize and facilitate periodic member meetings.
Ops Team Coordinator [2 roles]
Standard Ops Team Member Responsibilities, plus...
- Schedule Monthly Ops Team Call
- Attend inter-working groups call to share updates, make requests of other working groups, receive requests, etc. [1 hour prep, 1 hour meeting monthly]
- Track Assignments, etc.
Compensation: Ops Team Member Comp + 14.40GBP/mo Selection: Elected by the Ops Team from their membership.
At Large Members [2]
Purpose: To provide a non-operational member perspective in the ops team, and to be a way for folks interested in the work but not sure if they want to commit to the role to get a sense of it.
- Attend the monthly Ops Team call and participate in Ops team Loomio as a voting member of the team.
- Compensation: Volunteer
Group Liasons [1+]
Purpose: This is a seat for a representative of each of the other working groups Operations Teams to occupy to ensure clear communication between groups.
Responsibilities: Attend the monthly Ops Team meeting and convey key information from their "home" Working Group.
Compensation: Volunteer, but compensated from “home” operations team if an Ops Team member.