## [Tools](tools)
Apps and services the Community Working Group uses to work collaboratively.
## Working Documents
### [Bylaws](bylaws)
The [Bylaws](bylaws) indicate how social.coop is governed: including how decisions are made and budget allocated.
### [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct/code-of-conduct)
The [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct/code-of-conduct) lists the terms a user agrees to when joining social.coop.
### [Federation Abuse Policy](Federation-Abuse-Policy-v1)
The [Federation Abuse Policy](Federation-Abuse-Policy-v1) applies to conduct on other instances. The list of instances that have been suspended or muted can be found [here](Defederation-of-instances).
### [Reporting Guide](reporting-guide/reporting-guide)
The [Reporting Guide](reporting-guide/reporting-guide) explains how to report violations of the [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct/code-of-conduct).
### [Conflict Resolution Guide](Conflict-Resolution-Guide)
The [Conflict Resolution Guide](https://git.coop/social.coop/community/docs/wikis/Conflict-Resolution-Guidelines-v3.1) offers steps to take to resolve conflicts.
### [Community Working Group Ops Team](Community-Working-Group-Ops-Team)
The [Community Working Group Ops Team](Community-Working-Group-Ops-Team) currently handle day-to-day [Community Working Group](community-working-group) duties, including on-boarding, and receiving reports from Mastodon.
### Resources
#### [ICA Cooperative Identity, Values and Principles](https://www.ica.coop/en/whats-co-op/co-operative-identity-values-principles)
Whilst development of our Code of Conduct is underway, social.coop has agreed to adhere to the International Cooperative Alliance's Statement on Co-operative Values, with which member behavior in social.coop spaces is expected to be in alignment:
> "Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
> In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness,
> social responsibility and caring for others."
#### [Community Working Group on Loomio](https://www.loomio.org/g/0uqIXEbc/social-coop-community-working-group)
#### [Misc. Links](Misc-Links)
Documents and resources used by the Community Working Group. |
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