Explore projects
Archived 0Updated
John Hackett / wildduck-dockerized
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterArchived 0UpdatedArchived 0Updated -
Archived 0UpdatedArchived 0Updated
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webarch / php7
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyBuild PHP 7.0 debs and provision an APT repo for Debian Stretch with FD_SETSIZE set to a value greater than 1024 to allow more PHP sockets than the default.
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webarch / onlyoffice_docker
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAnsible role to install the ONLYOFFICE Docker Document Server, on Debian, for use by Nextcloud.
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decentral1se / es-api
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Spanish verb conjugation web API.
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decentral1se / tasty-discover
MIT LicenseHaskell test discovery for the tasty framework
👀 Archived 1Updated -
aptivate / internal-tools / aptivate-cli
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Fully automated luxury Aptivate command line interface.
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Manual log of server maintenances, upgrades, and outages. Please track any changes you make here or link to a git.coop issue.
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Log of upgrades, maintenance, and outages. If you're on the tech ops team and do work on the server, put it here to keep everyone informed.
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decentral1se / carbondoomsday
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A RESTish web API for climate change related data
🌍 Archived 0Updated -
decentral1se / carbon-inferno
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Archived 0Updated -
Your stalwart companion for surviving commodity society.
Archived 0Updated